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If you encounter any issues or have suggestions while using the software, please visit the GitHub repository:

  1. Go to the Issues tab and search for existing reports.
  2. If no similar issue exists, create a new one and provide detailed information, such as OS version, server version, Stream Music version, logs, screenshots, etc. The more details you provide, the easier it is to reproduce and resolve the issue.
Viewing Logs

On the About page, tap the version number repeatedly to enable Developer Mode.

Music Services

Unable to Log In

Possible causes:

  • Incorrect username/password.
  • Invalid server address (must include protocol, IP, and port).
  • Self-signed or incomplete SSL certificate chain.
  • Proxy software intercepting

In Navidrome versions ≤0.52, there’s a known bug in the song query logic. Upgrade to the latest version.
If upgrading is not possible, set the Docker environment variable ND_DEVOFFSETOPTIMIZE to a value greater than your total song count.

  • Direct Connection Mode: Fuzzy search depends on server support. For Navidrome, enable the SearchFullString environment variable.
  • Library Mode: Fuzzy search is client-side. Report any failures promptly.


Android Background Playback Pauses (No Sound)

  1. Stream MusicHelp → Disable battery optimization.
  2. System SettingsStream Music → Network & Data → Allow background data usage.
    Steps may vary by device. For Huawei: Battery → More Settings → Keep Network Connected During Sleep.

Playback Duration Keeps Updating

This occurs when the server is transcoding the track. The displayed duration reflects the buffered content. Wait for transcoding to complete.

Mobile Data Playback Fails

  • Ensure your server is publicly accessible.
  • If transcoding fails (common on mobile data), check if ffmpeg is properly configured on the server.

Recommendation: Use Docker for server deployment to avoid configuration issues.


Android Notification Controls Fail

This is likely an OS bug. Disable battery optimization for Stream Music in system settings.


Related issue: Android notification controls stop working.
Post v1.2.8, the Help page detects battery optimization status and redirects to settings.

Android Car Bluetooth Metadata Not Updating

Occurs after screen lock. Track progress: Android MediaItem not updating via Bluetooth.

Bitwarden Clicks Blocked by Floating Lyrics (Android)

Locked lyrics overlay may interfere. Unlock/disable lyrics temporarily via the notification panel.

High CPU Usage/Overheating

Caused by Flutter animations. Enable Power Saving Mode in theme settings (default: ON).


CarPlay/Notification Controls Fail to Skip Tracks

Disable "Allow Concurrent Playback" in settings. This is an iOS limitation.


Invalid Signature When Restoring Purchase

Likely caused by incorrect device time. Sync your device clock.

Invalid Email Format

Type the email manually. Avoid pasting extra spaces or line breaks.

Device Limit

Exceeding 7 devices automatically logs out the oldest one. No manual management needed.


Security Concerns

Some users worry about credential leaks. Clarifications:

  • NAS music is niche; data volume is too small for commercial exploitation.
  • Tech-savvy NAS users would detect malicious code, risking developer reputation.

Still concerned? Use a dedicated music-only account. If server IP exposure worries you, choose trusted software instead.